California State University San Marcos

Bradley, Chanel. Interview April 14th, 2023.

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00:00:00 - Interview Introduction

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Michael De Maria interviews Chanel Bradley in regards to her background and experience at California State University San Marcos.

00:00:24 - Childhood

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Bradley discusses growing up in a predominately white community in Orange County and how she formed community there.

00:02:32 - Choosing to attend CSUSM and get involved in Cross-Cultural Center (CCC)

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Bradley's parents wanted her close to home so she chose to attend CSUSM and live in the dorms. She originally attended the CCC due to all of its free resources but soon enjoyed the diverse community it created. Bradley soon began volunteering due to obtaining a misdemeanor but eventually applied as a peer educator at the center a few years later.

Keywords: Social Justice Summit; multi-ethnic; Sara Sheikh

00:07:38 - First Social Justice Summit Experience/ Finding Her Voice

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Bradley discusses how as growing up she would often suppress her identity as a person of color to fit in. By attending the Social Justice Summit it gave her ways to express herself and to feel empowered within her identity.

Keywords: Social Justice Summit; empowered

00:12:16 - Using Her Creativity to Drive the CCC

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Bradley discusses how her creative nature was able to be put into practice at the CCC. She used games and slogans to help educate and encourage students to find their power.

Keywords: impactful; peer mentorship; power

00:18:44 - Staff Relationship/ Developing leadership skills

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Bradley explains how supervisors and staff at the CCC had a close connection due to cultural similarities and beliefs. She explains how when there was a change in management at the CCC, Bradley became the one that guided the new supervisor. This helped her to gain leadership skills and relationship skills as well.

Keywords: Floyd Lai; leader; mentor; relationships; leadership

00:27:20 - Creating a Welcoming Space

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Bradley explains how her favorite memory was being able to create an ambiance that made students feel represented and safe.

Keywords: ambiance; atmosphere; guidance; welcoming

00:29:20 - Reviving Black Student Union

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Bradley discusses how she revived the Black Student Union after its inactivity. She explains how her experience with the CCC provided her with resources and knowledge to begin an organization. She fixed the bylaws, encouraged protests, and recruited members for the board.

Keywords: BSU; Black Student Union; organization; protests

00:39:24 - The role of the Cross-Cultural Center

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Bradley explains how the Cross-Cultural Center aids various organizations on campus by equipping, empowering, and helping with self expression and representation.

Keywords: educate; equip; represent; empower

00:44:34 - Impact of the Cross-Cultural Center/ Finding the Courage

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Bradley explains how the Cross-Cultural Center opened her eyes up and helped her mature politically and socially. It gave her the passion to speak up and educate others about social issues that are often suppressed.

Keywords: serve; politics

00:50:45 - Current Direction of the Cross-Cultural Center

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Bradley explains how the growth of our campus should also be focused and centered on the students needs. either being socially, politically or financially focused. She talks about how professors should remain personable and bring current situations into the curriculum.

Keywords: allyship; identity; protesting; activism

00:56:27 - Underrepresented Communities on Campus

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Bradley discusses how the undocumented experience becomes adjacent to the Chicano student movement. She recalls the Et Cetera club, a student organization that created space for those who may not identify with other organizations at that time.

Keywords: Et Cetera club; duality; under represented; undocumented

01:00:16 - Lessons Learned From Cross-Cultural Center

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Bradley was taught that not only she had power and leadership potential but how to use it as well. She exercised her power by speaking up against a paper writing false claims towards minority groups. She also discusses how she learned to recharge as an affective leader.

Keywords: minority; protest; self preserve; power

01:06:05 - How to Practice Your Voice

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Bradley explains how one should educate themselves, and get involved in social groups that represent them as a minority. To stand up for what one believes in and to not let a box or label define you.