California State University San Marcos

Clark, Stella. Interview August 9, 2023.

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00:00:00 - Interview Introduction 00:00:44 - Education and life synopsis

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Segment Synopsis: Stella Clark is originally from Mexico City and moved to the U.S., East Lansing Michigan to be precise, in the eighth grade. She then moved to Oxford Mississippi in which she would be there from her high school years and into college. She discusses the culture shock she experienced and how schools were segregated at the time. Clark then moved to Kansas and received a masters and a PhD at Kansas University. She would eventually meet her husband while attending the university and then move to California and got her first job at California State University, San Bernardino.

Keywords: California State University, San Bernadino; East Lansing, Michigan; Jose Clark; Masters; Mexico City; Oxford, Mississipi; PhD

00:05:31 - Living in Colonia Roma/Moving to U.S.

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Segment Synopsis: Clark is from Colonia Roma, Mexico and her father first came to the U.S. to pursue his PhD in Texas. Once he finished, Clark's family moved to Lansing, Michigan where her father intended that the whole family would eventually achieve PhDs. Her mother received a PhD in Spanish just like Clark would in the future, and her father received a PhD in economics. Clark then goes on to describe her love for Mexico and how urbane it was compared to where she lived in the United States. She explains the difficulty of living in Michigan in regards to the social and cultural customs. Clark would soon move to Mississippi where she the ethos was similar to Mexico.

Keywords: Colonia Roma; Lansing, Michigan; Mexico; Michigan State; Mississippi; Texas; cultural; social customs; PhD

00:15:49 - Spanish skills/Majoring in French

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Segment Synopsis: Clark explains how she would maintain her Spanish speaking skills within the U.S. by reading novels. She eventually would earn her bachelor's degree in French and would pursue a graduate degree in French as well at KU. However, the department split and she would end up receiving a graduate degree in Spanish. This is where she would take multiple Spanish classes in which Clark not only maintained but advanced her Spanish speaking skills. Clark also spoke Spanish at home and would go on to marry a Cuban immigrant, whom she also spoke Spanish with.

Keywords: Bachelors; Cuban; French; Graduate school; Kansas University; Married; Mississippi; Ole Miss University; Spanish

00:22:47 - Teenage years/Finding her place

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Segment Synopsis: Clark discusses how the U.S. education system underwent a transformative shift, evolving from a highly regimented structure to a greater emphasis on fostering individual student success. There was more flexibility and freedom within the classroom but still some rigidity that did not line up. Clark explains how she developed faster than most girls and it made it challenging for her to get along with the other teenage girls. It was not until she moved to Oxford, Mississippi that she would feel like she found her place and would meet her childhood best friend.

Keywords: 1950's; culture shock; education shift; mississippi; rigidity; teenage; transformation; regimented

00:31:50 - Getting her PhD/ Meeting her husband

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Segment Synopsis: Clark went to Kansas University (KU) to pursue her PhD in French which would become a PhD in Spanish. She explains how she met her husband at KU and would get married only a year after seeing one another. The main reason for the quick marriage was due to how conservative society was at the time and how she could jeopardize her position at the university.

Keywords: Kansas University; Latin America; Marriage; PhD

00:39:34 - Clark's first professional position

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Segment Synopsis: After receiving her PhD Clark would land her first job at California State University San Bernardino and her husband would get a job at the library at the same university. She explains how she would reject various administrative jobs for the sake of her husband. Eventually she would encourage him to go to graduate school so he could have a career out of being a librarian. Clark explains how her and her husband complement one another in terms of their professions.

Keywords: PhD; career; administrative

00:44:55 - Moving to California/Starting at CSUSM

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Segment Synopsis: Clark explains how California is in such close proximity to Mexico and how it is advertised as paradise. She recalls how she made her switch from working at CSUSB to California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) from her desire to work in administration. However the position at CSUSM was a lot more intense since she had to create a program from scratch.

00:50:49 - Creating CSUSM's language lab

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Segment Synopsis: Clark was tasked with creating a language lab at CSUSM and used her connections from CSUSB to help her build the lab. She explains how she built the lab and what was required from her. Clark learned that in order to get the best things one has to wheel and deal and ask for things that would make them excel in their positions. She explains how her focus was to help students become versatile in their career, but also highlighted the importance of faculty supporting them within their journey.

Keywords: creating department; language lab

01:00:02 - Clark's dissertation

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Segment Synopsis: Clark explains how her dissertation in graduate school was very unconventional and all the struggles she went through in order to get it approved. She was using an American method of close reading on Mexican literature in which analyzed the patterns of an individual. She explains how this would later help her in her career and help her understand individuals.

Keywords: academia; american literature; graduate; levi strauss; spanish literature; dissertation

01:05:26 - Challenges of creating a department

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Segment Synopsis: Clark describes the biggest challenges she experienced when founding the department at CSUSM. She explains how faculty on the campus often forgot that they are working for a community in which the students pay for their own schooling and support themselves. Clark admires how these students genuinely care for their education and want to learn in which was different to the students she taught at KU. She compares how different the students values were at CSUSM than to Kansas University.

Keywords: Kansas University; student success; public education

01:10:51 - What Clark's students have taught her

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Segment Synopsis: Clark explains the challenges her students would go through but still managed to achieve their academic goals. She has a deep respect for CSUSM's students due to their resilience and desire to actually learn. She explains how she would buy books for her students who may not have been able to afford them and allow them to keep it for their own personal library.

Keywords: CSUSM student body; resiliance; student success; hardworking

01:17:23 - "Roma" (the movie)

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Segment Synopsis: Clark explains how the movie Roma perfectly describes what her life was like growing up in Roma, Mexico. The movie allowed her to understand the life of the working class in Mexico and see them from a different vantage point. She also explains how living in the U.S. as an exile how you always will feel a sense of foreignness.

Keywords: Roma; displacement; foreignness; mexico; exile