California State University San Marcos

Jones, Rebecca. Interview April 12, 2023.

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00:00:00 - Introduction

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Segment Synopsis: Oral history interview of San Marcos, California Mayor Rebecca Jones, by Sean Visintainer, Head of Special Collections, California State University San Marcos. Interview April 12, 2023 at the University Library.

00:00:50 - San Marcos local governance

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Segment Synopsis: Jones describes where the city's budget comes from, including property tax, sales tax, and via the ownership of property (thanks to status as a charter city). Jones also describes her priorities for her work and for San Marcos city government.

Keywords: San Marcos city budget; charter city; local governance

00:03:56 - Structure of San Marcos government

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Segment Synopsis: Jones outlines the structure of San Marcos city government, and how a City Council Manager government differs from a Strong Mayor model. Jones also speaks to building consensus, and what being a contract city entails, especially in regards to police, and fire departments.

00:09:29 - Identifying needs

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Segment Synopsis: Jones entails what feedback means to the act of local governance, how she solicits it, saying no, and thinking big picture about priorities and issues. Jones also touches on pandemic operations of parks and trails, supporting small businesses, and customer service.

Keywords: COVID 19 pandemic; San Marcos Parks and Trails; small business; local governance

00:15:27 - Local governance and San Diego County

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Segment Synopsis: Jones speaks to the differences between county and local government, and how the City of San Marcos works within the county structure. Jones specifically addresses: mental health, SANDAG (San Diego Association of Governments), North County Transit, Vallecitos Water District. Jones elaborates on transit - public transportation, car transit, and microtransit. Jones also elaborates on Innovate 78 and how the organization functions, and is tied to job retention along the 78 corridor (Carlsbad, Oceanside, Vista, San Marcos, and Escondido).

Keywords: Innovate 78; North County Transit; Vallecitos Water District; car transit; microtransit; public transportation; SANDAG (San Diego Association of Governments)

00:24:59 - Starting in politics

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Segment Synopsis: Jones recounts how she became involved in politics, through interest in a parks issue and sitting down with city council and receiving encouragement from sitting members of the council. Jones recalls serving on the San Marcos Creek District Task Force, and learning about the process of local governance through that task force. Jones also speaks to being involved in the private sector in real estate and as a business owner. Jones also recounts her feelings towards a couple of development projects and how that spurred her to get involved in politics.

Keywords: San Marcos Creek District Task Force; local politics

00:30:20 - Appointment to San Marcos City Council

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Segment Synopsis: Jones recounts how the process of being appointed to the city council and the council makeup when she was first appointed. Jones outlines the difference between an appointment and an election.

Keywords: Betty Evans; Pia Harris-Ebert; San Marcos City Council; Jim Desmond

00:34:37 - Running for election and re-election

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Segment Synopsis: Jones recounts some experiences from her previous elections interacting with constituents and with a difficult election. Jones speaks to the emotional toll an election can have on a candidate, and how she participates in self-care.

Keywords: self-care; elections

00:43:49 - Cycling for transit and recreation

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Segment Synopsis: Jones speaks to her experience on SANDAG and offers her perspective on bike lanes and cycling to facilitate transit and recreation. Jones also speaks to different styles of bike lanes, motorist and cyclist education, and eBikes, especially in regards to schoolchildren.

Keywords: cycle tracks; eBikes; sharrows; splits; bike lanes

00:50:51 - San Marcos Creek Specific Plan Task Force and North City

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Segment Synopsis: Jones discuss the goal of the task force, management of the Creek, and development of the Creek District. Jones also discusses development in North City (San Marcos, originally conceived of as a university district).

Keywords: Belgian Waffle Ride; Gary London; North City; San Marcos Creek Specific Plan Task Force; public/private partnerships; San Marcos Creek District

00:58:10 - More development in San Marcos

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Segment Synopsis: Jones elaborates on additional development in the works in San Marcos, including medical offices and a hospital, and the Discovery Road extension, traffic, and flooding.

Keywords: Discovery Road; Kaiser Hospital; Kaiser Permanente; healthcare; traffic congestion; Scripps Hospital

01:04:04 - Running for San Marcos Mayor

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Segment Synopsis: Jones recalls the decision process of deciding to run for mayor, and speaks to being San Marcos's first woman mayor, as well as her mentors.

Keywords: Hal Martin; Pia Harris-Ebert

01:07:36 - Business closures during the pandemic

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Segment Synopsis: Jones discusses the difficulties small businesses in San Marcos encountered during the pandemic and supporting small businesses in San Marcos.

Keywords: small business; COVID-19 pandemic

01:10:44 - The COVID-19 Pandemic

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Segment Synopsis: Jones discusses what she and the city did during the pandemic to lessen the burden on San Marcos citizens. Jones discusses the city's rainy day fund, sending out small business loans (which were turned into grants), moving businesses outside, facilitating permits and bureaucracy for businesses in the process of opening, and advocacy to the governor. Jones also discusses keeping outside recreation open, nonprofit assistance, supporting schoolchildren, and mental health. Jones also enumerates how part of her job entails being emotionally available and supportive for constituents, and helping communities move forward from trauma.

Keywords: American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA); business and regulation; mental health; outdoor recreation; trauma; COVID-19 pandemic

01:21:54 - Other qualities of Jones's work

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Segment Synopsis: Jones discusses additional qualities of her day-to-day work, including being a civic booster, reading and preparation, and empathy.

Keywords: Channel 8; Hollandia Dairy; Prohoroff Chicken Ranch; Jeff Zevely

01:27:08 - Women in politics

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Segment Synopsis: Jones discusses her experiences as a woman in politics, including bias and harassment. Jones also discusses her podcast, SheEO, about elevating women, and Jones's advice to women entering politics.

Keywords: SheEO podcast; women politicians

01:35:34 - San Marcos youth

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Segment Synopsis: Jones discusses her work at the Boys and Girls Club of San Marcos and engagement with San Marcos youth.

Keywords: American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA); Highway 78 flooding; San Marcos Market; Boys and Girls Club of San Marcos

01:45:52 - Next steps and interview close

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Segment Synopsis: Jones discusses her personal political style, the next steps in her career, and the love she has for the city of San Marcos.

Keywords: San Diego County Supervisor; San Marcos