California State University San Marcos

Sheikh-Arvizu, Sara. Interview March 30, 2023

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00:00:01 - Intro

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Segment Synopsis: Oral history interview of Sara Sheikh-Arvizu by Michael De Maria, March 30th, 2023.

00:00:48 - Early experiences with Social Justice

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Segment Synopsis: Sheikh-Arvizu describes her experiences with social justice in college and the experiences that led her to want to pursue it as a career, including diversity training that greatly influenced her.

00:03:40 - Activities in Social Justice

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Segment Synopsis: Sheikh-Arvizu describes talking to people with diverse identities while attending academic conferences, as well as the impacts that had on her work in social justice, including her role as Associate Director of the Cross-Cultural Center.

00:06:47 - Projects at Chapman University

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Segment Synopsis: Sheikh-Arvizu talks about the major projects that she led at Chapman University at the Office of Social Justice, where she held her first job after completing her undergraduate and graduate studies.

00:14:57 - Joining the CSUSM Cross-Cultural Center

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Segment Synopsis: Sheikh-Arvizu describes getting the opportunity to get to work for the Cross-Cultural Center at CSUSM as Associate Director; she sought to execute a vision in a new space, as Chapman did not have a Cross-Cultural Center.

00:18:36 - Social Climate at CSUSM in 2008

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Segment Synopsis: Sheikh-Arvizu describes the climate of CSUSM at the time of her joining the Cross-Cultural Center as Associate Director in 2008. She describes the work around the Cross-Cultural Center as not being seen by the rest of campus and not being recognized as much as it should have been, with many students feeling like they were not being seen or heard as well.

00:25:02 - Proudest Accomplishments for the Cross-Cultural Center

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Segment Synopsis: Sheikh-Arvizu discusses the major projects she led for the Cross-Cultural Center, including Cafe La Paz and the Social Justice Summit.

00:36:10 - Empowering Student Staff

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Segment Synopsis: Sheikh-Arvizu recalls how she empowered her student staff at the CCC. Reflecting on herself a "yes person" who enjoys watching ideas become reality, Sheikh-Arvizu considers listening to her staff as a form of empowerment. She specifically recounts one experience with a former student staff member in their interview process.

00:42:09 - Sheikh-Arvizu's Favorite Memories of the Cross-Cultural Center

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Segment Synopsis: After discussing ways in which she empowered her student staff, Sheikh-Arvizu shares two of her favorite memories revolving around the Cross-Cultural Center. One includes an individual memory regarding one of her first experiences running the Social Justice Summit, while another involves an interview of a potential CCC staffer. Sheikh-Arvizu recalls how the community of the CCC came together to support and prepare a student for their interview.

00:48:10 - How the CCC Impacted Sheikh-Arvizu's Professional Journey

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Segment Synopsis: Sheikh-Arvizu remembers initial feelings of doubt regarding leadership of the CCC. However, she states she did not subscribe to the belief that a leader had to direct her staff. Rather, Sheikh-Arvizu remembers embracing and encouraging her staff to take charge and lead in their own way. Sheikh-Arvizu reflects on this setting the foundation for her professional career. Now working with Orange County Human Relations, Sheikh-Arvizu shares how the CCC has impacted her current work with diversity and inclusivity.

00:58:11 - Students, Community, Conversations, and the CCC

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Segment Synopsis: Considering future students who interact with the Cross-Cultural Center, Sheikh-Arvizu shares that she would stress the importance of community. Sheikh-Arvizu considers the CCC as a community-friendly space that also engages with difficult conversations including racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, and other forms of oppression. In addition to encouraging friendly connections, Sheikh-Arvizu stresses the duality of the CCC as it enables connection and safe space for difficult conversations.

01:02:15 - Underrepresented Communities

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Segment Synopsis: Sheikh-Arvizu considers underrepresented communities on campus, as well as those that she works with in her current position with Orange County Human Relations. She considers both the importance and challenges of statistical data and how this impacts minority students. Sheikh-Arvizu discusses the importance of having difficult conversations so as not to erase the history and lived experiences of minority groups impacted by various forms of oppression.

01:07:37 - Future Direction of the Cross-Cultural Center

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Segment Synopsis: Sheikh-Arvizu once again considers the communal aspects to be a major point of the CCC, and as something she knows will continue in the future. In addition to creating that communal environment within the center, Sheikh-Arvizu also believes the Cross-Cultural Center will continue to work closely with other student centers and organizations to better improve that communal atmosphere.

01:11:58 - Advice for Those Seeking a Career in Social Justice

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Segment Synopsis: Michael De Maria inquires about any potential advice for those seeking a career in social justice. Sheikh-Arvizu considers a "home base community" crucial to her work in social justice. She also recognizes the importance of being surrounded by diversity, as well as the ability to ask and address difficult or uncomfortable questions regarding social justice and diversity. Sheikh-Arvizu also discusses how her role as a parent has shifted her approach to diversity and social justice work.