Find by community
CSUSM's oral histories have been "tagged" when an interviewee identifies with specific communities. Tags can be related to race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, profession, and more. To see oral histories related to a specific community, click the link on the interview, transcript, or below. The following community tags have been implemented on this website:
- Asian Pacific Islander Desi American experience (related to interviewees that identify as culturally or ancestrally from East, Southeast, South Asia, and/or the Pacific islands, whether they are American-born or born abroad)
- Black experience (related to interviewees that identify as Black American, African American, or Black African)
- Brewchive® (related to interviewees that identify as part of San Diego County's craft brewing industry and scene)
- Community history (related broadly to members of our North San Diego County regional community)
- CSUSM history (related to interviewees with members of Cal State San Marcos's students, alumni, staff, faculty, and administration)
- Immigrant experience (related to interviewees that were born abroad and emigrated to the United States of America)
- Latine experience (related to interviewees that identify as Chicano/a/x, Latino/a/e, Hispanic, Latin American, Mexican American, and/or identify as culturally or ancestrally from Latin America)
- LGBTQIA+ experience (related to interviewees that identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and/or Asexual)
- Native American experience (related to interviewees that identify as indigenous to North, Central, and South America)
- Politics and governance (related to interviewees who have worked in governmental or nongovernmental capacities related to public administration and public service)
- Veteran experience (related to interviewees who have served in the armed services, especially the military of the United States)
- Women's experience (related to interviewees that identify as women)
Once a tag is clicked on, results can be sorted by title, creator, or date added, as shown in the screenshot below.