Brown, Tanis. Interview transcript. April 13, 2022.
Brown, Tanis. Interview transcript. April 13, 2022.
Tanis Brown is the President of the San Marcos Historical Society and is involved in many local history projects and educational outreach initiatives. In this interview, Tanis discusses her involvement in the city of San Marcos, CA since the 1970s. Tanis quickly became active in the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce and was among the first group of students to enroll in California State University San Marcos. A few years later, she became an employee of CSUSM, establishing the university’s first housing program and working in human resources. Now as President of the San Marcos Historical Society, Tanis is passionate about sharing San Marcos’ local history with her community and with future generations. This oral history was made possible with generous funding from the Ellie Johns Foundation.
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Tanis Brown
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Tanis Brown, “Brown, Tanis. Interview transcript. April 13, 2022.,” Voices of North County, accessed February 12, 2025,